Saturday, 20 August 2011

It’s been long time that I didn’t post anything on this blog. Since I’ve been to POLITEKNIK UNGKU OMAR(PUO) there’s a lot of work, activities, and bad connection of wi-fi. So I can’t online for blogging. I felt so happy been here even I had cried because miss my mom and family but I ask myself to be independent daughter, girl and student. Since don’t know when I think that I always think a lot that can cause my cry and want to leave this study and study near with my house. But I think back I’ve already pay it and a lot of things that I already learn. Just left 2 months for the 1 semester. InsyaAllah everything is fine here. Just pray to Allah and take care or yourself.I also persuade myself not think to much and if I wanna go home, I can go home by train. :D

Before I forget SELAMAT MENYAMBUT BULAN RAMADAN. Just left one week for me to go home and ‘buka puasa’ with family and friends. I miss them so much! Every day I think them and when I can see them. InsyaAllah when I there I can see my friends before they back to hometown. This Saturday my family wanna come here if there anything la and ‘buka puasa’ together.
This year I puasa berjauhan bersama family already 2nd time. 1st when I form 2 and duduk asrama because of USAHAWAN terpaksa la duduk asrama. Mula tu ingat seronok but lama duduk nangis sebab teringat dekat mama and family. So since I got the letter for staying for next year I reject and cried. So childish! All my friends saw that but I buat tak tahu je. :D

Okay la. I’ve to go, a lot of things to do. InsyaALLAH before RAYA I post it okay! SELAMAT MENYAMBUT BULAN RAMADAN!